So I had a little incident where I fell backwards and the wakesurf board decided to go forwards into the back of my G23. The tip of the board placed a nice quarter sized dent / crack into the gelcoat on the transom. I was able to get it repaired (thank you Travis) but realized this is likely not the last time I send the wakesurf board flying into the boat. My fix was to have the guys at Next Level Inc in Orlando scan my transom and add some SeaDek to the gelcoat areas for protection. While I was at it we decided to cover the glovebox since we just throw loose stuff up there anyways. A little under $300 to add SeaDek to the open areas of the transom as seen below. I figure $300 for SeaDek is way cheaper than any gelcoat repair.
I learned another good thing with the SeaDeck on the transom today. While swinging the wakeboard around on the platform i am not near as worried about scaping up the gelcoat. Not that I am trying to, but it is giving me a little piece of mind focusing on the water and kids rather than scratching the transom. Sometimes its the little things.