03 210 SAN
Yesterday I put the boat in and after riding around for about 30 minutes on a new oil change the computer limited my RPM (limp mode). I pulled the dipstick and there wasn't anything showing up. Originally, I put 5 1/2 quarts in on the new change. So we added some oil and then tried to restart. The motor would start and sounds fine but the computer didn't allow me to bring the boat on plane. Have I locked the computer as a result of the original low pressure reading?
Currently, on 15-40 amsoil @ 800 RPM I'm reading about 37 -40 psi. Is this correct?
Any idea on what could be going on?
Thanks Robby
Yesterday I put the boat in and after riding around for about 30 minutes on a new oil change the computer limited my RPM (limp mode). I pulled the dipstick and there wasn't anything showing up. Originally, I put 5 1/2 quarts in on the new change. So we added some oil and then tried to restart. The motor would start and sounds fine but the computer didn't allow me to bring the boat on plane. Have I locked the computer as a result of the original low pressure reading?
Currently, on 15-40 amsoil @ 800 RPM I'm reading about 37 -40 psi. Is this correct?
Any idea on what could be going on?
Thanks Robby