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Hi, I’m looking at a 2008 super air 220 TE, has 1000hrs. How many hours is the PCM EX343 good for generally? Buying for $32k. Boat is in excellent condition, well looked after.
Any info appreciated, thanks.
It’s only been about 10-15 years for the EX343 but that GM block has been around a lot longer and in general is pretty reliable if taken care of. I’ve seen examples well upwards of 2,000 hours for that block. For a 2008 in particular, it means they’ve been running it about 80 hours per year. I wouldn’t hesitate over hours for that level of hours per year. Hours matter as far as resale but the older a boat gets the less an issue it is unless it’s way outside of normal.
It’s fine as far as price. I’ve seen 220s go for $30k - $40k depending on options and condition. As tight as the market is right now that’s probably the best price you’re going to find.