So I got this 1999 air Nautique in a trade for tractor work. Engine was apart. I have it mostly in the boat and somewhat back together. I didn’t take it apart. I’m not familiar with ford engines. I was a mechanic for many years. The previous guy working on boat left four exhaust manifold to head gaskets in the boat. I found 8mm hex head bolts in manifold holes. So I got a manifold assembly put the bolts in it, hung one gasket and got it bolted to the head. I have found not all the bolts tighten down. They all seem to be the same length but some bottom out. Are two gaskets used doubled up per manifold to remedy this? Dip stick tube bracket seems to want to be bolted to front port manifold bolt area at front of engine but the tab seems too big. Any help would be great. Trying to surprise wife with this nice boat. We are avid jet skiers.
engine is 5.8L
engine is 5.8L