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I didn't know what you were talking about. Now I know that it is a two part plastic adhesive or bonding agent. My hunch is that you are thinking of using for your new back seat. Any designs you care to share yet?
thanks for the info mike.. that stuff is hard to find..
actually it is for wiring dressing... i am going to mount my wires like on mastercrafts (pvc tubes spaced throughout the boat).... i got all the amps installed (2 zapco's- 1000.1 & 1000.4 and a mmats, symbilink transmitter & volume control, 31 band eq, 2 changers, and a pac ir repeater, and 3 optimas....... a whole mess of wire)..
i will be meeting with a upolstry guy the next couple of weeks to get his thoughts on the sub box.... any more ideas ?
I am thinking about a few different options, possibly splitting the back seat into two cusions with the starboard cusion covering the existing step and cupholders. Maybe adding a flip up or removable cusion for loading, then moving the cupholders into the center of the boat so they are accessible from both sides? I will probably make some cardboard mockup panels of the seat bases when the time comes this winter to do the mods. Let me know what you find when you talk to the upholstery shop.