Nothing works. Any help would be appreciated
Is this the first time out for the season or have you disconnected and reconnected the battery before this happened? If so the first place to look is at the battery connection. After that look for the stupid stuff you'll kick yourself about later. My favorites are the shifter not being in neutral (make sure it's straight up and giggle it a bit to make sure the neutral safety switch is contacting), missing a wire when reconnecting the battery and as stated above the safety lanyard.
If no joy with any of these check the 50 amp breaker on the motor. I've had these trip for no apparent reason before when reattaching the battery. And my last favorite is the power switch (if you have one). These are know to fall apart inside the switch. I had one feel funny when I turned it, then no power. When I pulled it off the power panel pieces fell out of it.
so...confused. How does "boat runs" align with "nothing on the panel works"? For example, how do you start the boat? Do the dash gauges work? Is it just the panel shown - accessory switches - that isn't working?
I think a few more details would be helpful. Year and exact model of boat. Battery configuration. Any recent dash or other electrical work? Has it ever worked while you've owned the boat?2004 206 Air Nautique Limited - Black with Vapor Blue (family style)
1997 Masters Edition Nautique - Zephyr Green - gone (amazing ski wake)
1982 Mastercraft Powerslot - gone (a primitive but wonderful beast)
Bellevue WA
I am assuming you have a 2000-2001'ish model. Assuming your key pad, gauges etc. all work and only the "accessories" pad is not working I would first get behind the dash and unplug the pad. It is possible that the years of age have resulted in corrosion developing in the connector. Use a VOM to be sure you are getting power to the connector and have a good ground and good connection of the wires to the connectors. Be sure both sides of the connector are clean and making good contact. Plugging in and unplugging several time may help make better contact. Maybe you will get lucking and it will power up again. If not I is then like the pad is bad. I am not aware of any way to repair the pad unless of course you are some kind of electronic technician. has replacements. Item#6293 for $395.
Just as a follow up to my last post and not trying to give you false hope that you won't have to spend $395 for a new pad but in my experience when the pad starts to go bad it usually presents as individual "buttons" start not working. Failure usually doesn't present as total failure of the entire pad all at once. Of course total failure could be a possibility. I think in your case total failure with no other prior issues leads me to believe/hope you only have a connection issue. Keep your fingers crossed and let this forum know of your findings so members can learn and continue to help.
Hey everyone sorry for just now getting back to y’all and I appreciate all the info you are sending. The boat I have is a 2001 ski Nautique and it came with a house that we bought. The boat has been this way since we purchased it and I am just now trying to figure out how to get all this working. The boat runs all the gauges work the bilge pump comes on but the panel is dead which operates the blower NAV lights and fill tanks which I think it has and also the radio does not work. Previous owner bypass the kill switch which I am going to hook back up
On the 2001 SN there should be a 3 way ( ON/OFF/BILGE) toggle switch near the drivers feet. In the OFF position the dash/bilge pump/engine/stereo is all deactivated to prevent you from draining the battery. The BILGE position is used only when you plan to leave the boat in the water unattended and assure there is 12v available to the automatic bilge in the event your boat starts to take on water. It will allow the bilge pump to cycle as needed to remove the water up to the point the battery dies. In the BILGE position nothing else will operate. In the ON position you will have power to the dash to start the boat and use any other key pad/stereo etc. functions. If you are in fact putting the toggle switch in the BILGE position and the bilge pump is always on you either have continuous water in your bilge or the automatic float is malfunctioning and needs to be evaluated or the pump replaced. If you have the switch in the ON position and are able to start/run the boat and run the blower with the start pad to the left of the steering wheel AND can manually run the bilge pump using the pad to the right of the steering wheel but none of the other functions work you are most likely looking at a bad key pad and will need to replace it. As for the stereo, depending on the installation you might have to press the 12v button with the ‘lightning bolt”. It powers the accessories. As for the ballast tanks fill button your boat should not have come from the factory with tanks. Other models did have tanks and Correct Craft used the same key pad for the other models. As for the blower, it is operated by the start/stop pad to the left of the steering wheel. The fan button with the “squigglely” line next to it on the key pad to the right of the steering wheel is for the factory optional HEATER which you may or may not have. If you don’t have vents in the driver footwell you likely don’t have a heater. Go to the Manual/Brochure section at the top of the page on this site and scroll down to the 2001 SN owners manual. You will find a tremendous amount of useful information about your boat.