At 'one click' forward headway speed, we've been noticing a very faint chatter sound coming from the rear of the boa, and we also notice the sound when the boat is in reverse. Today while underway, I removed the center seat pad and tried to investigate the issue a bit more. I could not really locate the problem, but it sounded like it was coming from an area rear of the v-drive. Not actually in the v-drive itself.
Is this something that anyone else has ever noticed, and if so, what was it? Should I be concerned? I am wondering also if the boat's idle speed may be a smidge too low. If anyone knows what the idle rpm should be, that would also be appreciated. I know where to change the idle on a Ski Nautique 2001, but I don't know how to change it on the GT40.
Is this something that anyone else has ever noticed, and if so, what was it? Should I be concerned? I am wondering also if the boat's idle speed may be a smidge too low. If anyone knows what the idle rpm should be, that would also be appreciated. I know where to change the idle on a Ski Nautique 2001, but I don't know how to change it on the GT40.