Out of the blue, the transmission in my 2003 Ski 206 started acting weird. When I put it in forward, it "oozes" into gear instead of dropping directly into gear. It takes a good 2 -3 seconds to fully engage and start the patented sewing machine whine of a CC. Clunks into reverse as normal and once in forward gear, it operates fine. This is the PCM 1.23:1 unit. The fluid is full, is not brown and does not smell burnt. I admit that I have never had the fluid changed or changed it myself, being of the mind that if the fluid looks good and smells good it aint broke so dont fix it. So, two questions to the forum: 1) has anyone had this problem and if so what is the fix and 2) if i change the fluid by pumping it out of the dipstick hole, is there a filter or screen I can get to? The PCM manual tells me not to try this at home but I generally ignore that.
You could do a partial fluid change on the transmission and the V Dr.
I removed a quart of fluid from each unit. And replace with new.
I brought my 2006 home last year and you never know what the service history was even if things look good. I still prefer to know that the full service has been done myself.
It’s sort of a car method but if you change partial fluid a few times you’re not shake lose any varnish or buildup that might be in there.
So I would start with that. I did a full drain on my V Dr. after logging another 15 hrs. (It appeared to have transmission fluid in the V Dr. as opposed to the 30W). I posted some pics as well on how I did that but you can siphon a quart out of the V-drive dip stick with the vacuum extractor.