Hi all. 2008 220. On the water and I have this new vibration at really low speed and I assume high speed but I just don’t feel it as I’m going faster. Here is a video. This is not normal but can some one tell me what this could be. I can’t find any parts diagrams on the shaft. Could it be a bearing or bushing ?
Ok, have you checked the connection bolts on the shaft to the transmission/V-drive? And just FYI, there is a possibility you might not have even known you knicked the prop - it's happened to me before. These are Nibral props so they will bend first on purpose, to help prevent a driveline injury, Also check the cutlass bearing in the strut.
I can't open the file in 3 different browsers so I can really comment based on that but based on what would appear to be a non critical vibration statement these types of vibration issues then to fall in a couple categories.- Prop - The advise given here is solid. If you have another or can borrow another to try whats the harm of truly eliminating that as a possibility. This would be my first "go to" as well.
- Alignment - Poor engine alignment will do the same and will wear the drive line as well. Probably one of the more common causes of strut bearing wear and depending on just how far out the alignment is it can reek havoc with the entire drive line.
- Strut - A bent strut bearing or worn strut bearing will dive a whole range of vibration issues. Here as with the prop it doesn't take a lot and can sneak up on you.
- Prop shaft - Doesn't take a lot of run out to set up vibration and once again wear a strut bearing.
Moving along to alignment. If you're somewhat mechanically inclined you can check the alignment on an inboard fairly easily. Unbolt the coupler and and slide the 2 surfaces apart. Now move the coupler together until they touch then check the mating surfaces for gap. You should be somewhere about .003 for good alignment. If you haven't had your boat aligned in years (like most of us) this is probably going to be off and will need to be adjusted.
Based on all the above I think you can see why based on the above why people (like me) prefer to start with prop.Last edited by bturner; 08-23-2021, 09:10 AM.