My 200 slalom wake woes, we traced to the improperly tuned rudder. The tabs were full over.
The rudder was VERY loose, so my buddy tightened the top bolt and that corrected the issue. The tiller arm has this crazy damper weight on it, looks to be aggravating the issue.
Anyone know what is the torque spec on that bolt? Why it could be backing off /other issues (it is wired up as well).
PS This is embarrassing - was showing the boat our FM manager, stopped at a bay to check the rudder/swim. Left the stereo on. Swam more than expected to an island and back. Left the boat floating. Came back wouldn't start
Voltage was at 11.5 so I thought the battery was pooched. Texted my son, he brought out the L Ion booster. Still wouldn't fire. DANG - the shift lever is really stealth, it was slightly forward, tripped NSS. That is the 3rd time I've error-ed out on that shift lever. The knob is sloped and the background is visually confusing..
The rudder was VERY loose, so my buddy tightened the top bolt and that corrected the issue. The tiller arm has this crazy damper weight on it, looks to be aggravating the issue.
Anyone know what is the torque spec on that bolt? Why it could be backing off /other issues (it is wired up as well).
PS This is embarrassing - was showing the boat our FM manager, stopped at a bay to check the rudder/swim. Left the stereo on. Swam more than expected to an island and back. Left the boat floating. Came back wouldn't start
