2021 SAN 230 that we just got used. First day out on the water, none of the USB charging ports or the 12v charging ports are working. Tried multiple charging chords, and multiple devices to charge. There just seems to be no power to them. What is weird, though, is that at least some of them have a little blue light on the face plate of the round charger receptacle that is lit up...yet no power out of them.
I will have it back to the dealer in a few weeks to have two of the vinyl skins replaced, but we plan to use it quite a bit between now and then, so I was hoping to possibly trouble shoot it myself if possible. Any ideas of things to check/do would be much appreciated.
I will have it back to the dealer in a few weeks to have two of the vinyl skins replaced, but we plan to use it quite a bit between now and then, so I was hoping to possibly trouble shoot it myself if possible. Any ideas of things to check/do would be much appreciated.