2018 SAN 230 with onboard battery charger and 2 batteries. When I use the onboard charger, only battery 1 gets charged, battery 2 does not charge. I found this problem after taking it out of storage and only one battery had voltage. I had plugged in the battery charger during storage.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any recommendations? I have tried switching the battery switch to "1+2" thinking they may have to both be "on" to get the charge but no change.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2018 SAN 230 with onboard battery charger and 2 batteries. When I use the onboard charger, only battery 1 gets charged, battery 2 does not charge. I found this problem after taking it out of storage and only one battery had voltage. I had plugged in the battery charger during storage.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any recommendations? I have tried switching the battery switch to "1+2" thinking they may have to both be "on" to get the charge but no change.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.