I have a ZR6 6.0L 2006 SANTE and the prop I have is a 13.25X16 VR. It takes a *very* long time to get out of the water and the wakeboard wake is fairly atrocious. What prop are people with similar boats and engines using for Wake-surfing mostly, but occasional wakeboarding?
I actually did the ACME 1234 and it turned the boat into a beast. It is 1" larger than the 1578 and it still clears the hull by more than the required minimum. Ive added 1100lb sacks in the rear and 450 in the nose. It does a great job. Thanks.
Originally posted by 37tr3n5k View PostI have a ZR6 6.0L 2006 SANTE and the prop I have is a 13.25X16 VR. It takes a *very* long time to get out of the water and the wakeboard wake is fairly atrocious. What prop are people with similar boats and engines using for Wake-surfing mostly, but occasional wakeboarding?
Originally posted by Shonchez View Post
Did you end up with the 1578 or 1234 ? I also have a 220 SANTE and want to upgrade prop to get on plane quicker. But I understand the 06 220 is a left rotation prop, and the 1578 is a right rotation.
Originally posted by 37tr3n5k View Post
EVen numbers are right rotation, odd numbers are left rotation. Some models of that year are left and others are right. If your prop is odd, go with the 1235, if it's even, go with the 1234. I used the 1234 and if you read my mods above, it turned the boat into a beast for such a light boat. DM me if you need help. I sold this boat and have a Centurion now, so a DM will email me a notification. If you have the same boat and want to make it extremely surfable, I'll share my experience.
hey man, I tried to dm you but it wouldn’t let me. I saw your post and I have the same boat you previously had. I would love your feedback on props. The prop I currently have says “1236 13.5x14.25 r 1-1/8” I’m guessing it’s the acme 1236 because that matches the specs online. If that’s true then it’s 1” smaller than the acme 1235.
the majority of what we do is wakeboarding and surfing. We pull tubes for the kids probably once a weekend but mostly wakeboard/surf, would you recommend the acme 1235, if so what benefits do you think there are. We really want to set up the board for what we like best. Thanks for your time!