my last trip to the water a plumbing fitting came loose on my piggyback ballast tanks and i drained the tanks into the bilge and did not know it until today.
The boat idled fine until i gave it gas out of the slow zone and it fell on its face. after wondering what in the **** was wrong I opened up the engine compartment to see water flying all over the engine from the pulleys being submerged in water. I was able to make it back to the trailer and pulled her out of the water. Drained a lot of water out of the bilge, it got wet... ran fine for a couple hours, like normal. Then the check engine light comes on. I was careful to watch the temp gauge, volt gauge and the oil pressure all was fine until it started beeping and the "see dealer knock sensor" message was flashing. Turning off the batteries for 20 min did not clear the code.
Any advice>? it does not make sense that the sensor goes bad because it got wet... its a boat? need help...
The boat idled fine until i gave it gas out of the slow zone and it fell on its face. after wondering what in the **** was wrong I opened up the engine compartment to see water flying all over the engine from the pulleys being submerged in water. I was able to make it back to the trailer and pulled her out of the water. Drained a lot of water out of the bilge, it got wet... ran fine for a couple hours, like normal. Then the check engine light comes on. I was careful to watch the temp gauge, volt gauge and the oil pressure all was fine until it started beeping and the "see dealer knock sensor" message was flashing. Turning off the batteries for 20 min did not clear the code.
Any advice>? it does not make sense that the sensor goes bad because it got wet... its a boat? need help...