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If it goes away with a little more speed, might be prop sing. Have you dinged your prop lately or had it reworked? Some prop shops don't square off the trailing edges of the blades when they fix a prop, and a knife edge on the trailing edge will sing at idle. A ding in one of the blades can cause some noise as well.
Hey Tom! I did have prop replaced earlier this summer when it got dinged on lake. Old prop was not reworked so this was a new prop. Should they relook at it?
I'd be surprised if a new prop sung - may want to make sure it's all the way up the taper though. I've seen some jam somewhat on the key on install and not make it all the way on, which I could see sending some hum or vibration up the driveline that may or may not go away with more speed. I'd also check on your transmission/V-drive levels like Greg above mentioned.
Installed my spare prop that was just back from the repair shop. It was the stock prop on a 2012 200 and had pitch added and cleaned up .
Took the boat out Saturday and it sings like crazy! Will check the transmission level but pretty sure the prop is the cause. I did inspect it when pulled out of water and noticed the tailing edge of the blades has a noticeable turned out edge. Will replace with my other prop and take back the singing prop for inspection.