I am looking at purchasing a 2019 G23, which I want to keep on a dry dock in the marina (ocean), it will not sit in the water for long periods, so I don’t think the anodes are necessary. I called around to several stores asking if this is a common request and received a few different answers. One guy in Miami told me it is common, and they do these conversions regularly. Another guy told me you absolutely cannot bring this boat in the ocean no matter what modifications are done. My understanding is the engine is a closed loop system, so no salt water would go into the block. Can anyone give advice on whether this is feasible, and if so, what would be the suggested replacements or modifications they would want to see to be confident and not ruin the boat? For those of you who will think “why don’t you just buy a coastal” the answer is they are tougher to find set up the way I want it. If I can modify a lake version, I will have a much larger set of boat options. Also if anyone has insight on what this should cost, that is helpful as well.
Well, the guy who said absolutely not is maybe smoking something. That said, there are many things that the Salt WILL affect and probably require more maintenance ($$$$). Although not a lot of expletive with the closed systems, I did live and use on older Nautique (Pre screens) in a saltwater environment pretty much exclusively for years. Diligent cleaning and flushing with copious fresh water after use is a must and just know that even then you will still get corrosion. Also, even though I have seen sat water boats cared for better than some fresh, know that a saltwater boat will almost always take a good hit on re-sale value... It is just the way it is. I used to buy WD-40 by the case and soak down everything in the engine compartment to help protect and that seemed to help a lot. I don't know if some of the newer tech could be affected by that or not. Also, I am not sure if the touch screens are more sensitive to salt exposure of not... Best of luck though!
I would just confirm the condition of the cooling system and replace anything needed right now... I would bump up maintenance times and be meticulous with cleaning... Even with that, you will still see some corrosion in areas after while... If you are religious about flushing after every use, imo, you should be ok... Salt gets everywhere. Did I say that salt gets everywhere? Cause it does lol