Edit: man am i always guilty of clicking "quote" when direct responding.
shag usually these connectors are for scanner tools or oscillators to check signal during manufacture. Though i'd prefer as well that they put a termination in them when done. My yamaha had a black and red connector in the battery box that I could never find out what it was. I still think it was a way to hook a battery maintainer up without unboxing the battery.
Another wiring question...when deep cleaning my, new to me, 2003 196 I found an unused two wire connector zip tied up with other wires running inside around the stern in the ski locker right above where the Faria electronics box is located....anyone out there know what option this connector is for? I can send a photo tomorrow.
SN206AUS.... It looked obvious to me that A and B should be plugged together however I thought I'd best check because they were not plugged together when I bought the boat. The boat does run apparently with no issue when they ARE plugged together but apparently they are not plugged together from the factory.