I changed my oil yesterday as part of winterization. How much oil should this engine hold? The PCM manual says 4 quarts, but when I put four quarts in it showed a quart low on the dipstick. I had the boat level when checking. How many quarts do you put in yours? I added a fifth and it showed correctly on the dipstick. Have I overfilled it?
RE: 330 Excalibur Oil Volume?
If you have the oil sucked out good, you should be putting 5 quarts in that engine. 4 is a good starting point so that you don't overfill. Make sure you run it so that you make sure you have oil pressure and fill up the filter with oil too. If the dipstick says it is full after that, then you are all set!
I let it drain for about an hour after it ran to get warm - so I'm pretty sure it completely drained - I had a full drain pan. After I refilled it, I started it and let the new oil circulate and fill the filter like you said, and then I topped it off with the fifth quart. Sounds like I'm good to go, thanks for the input. I'm always a little nervous when I think I should be doing something contrary to what the manual says. But I'd sure trust the dipstick before I trusted the manual.
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I called PCM on this one. It's 4 quarts in the motor plus the filter. Some filters are a quart, some are less. I put 5 quarts in mine with the PCM, Sierra, or Wix filters.
The manual has been wrong on the 330 and the ZR6 for several years. You would think that something as basic and important as this could be correct in the manual. Manual says 4 quarts with filter on the 330, it takes 5. Manual says 5 quarts on the ZR6 with filter, they take 6.
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