I went out to visit my boat in winter storage (getting some stuff out of the glove box was my excuse but mostly I just missed my boat). I discovered a 1 inch cut on in the vinyl on the top/rear of the engine hatch! The cover was unharmed so it must have happened before I put it away. The dealer who winterized it (Extreme in Greenville, IL), and was the last one in the boat, is a great guy and he and I are working together to sort this out. The question for the nautique masses is, can such a tear be "fixed"? The dealer says he can, but this is an expensive boat with less than 30 hours on it that I will have for years to come. The torn vinyl is in the midnight blue stripe and in a place that will have teenagers crawling all over it. Should I pay for/request a new clamshell with my colors? I am bumming.
I had the same thing happen to my seat. A good vinyl repair guy can make it look just like new--and failry inexpensivley. I would try to fix it. If it tears again, then consider buying a new clamshell. On the other hand, if your dealer is paying for it, get a new clamshell--maybe you'll get to keep the torn one and have a spare.
SGY how did the repair hold up in the long run? I am not 100% sure it was the dealer's fault and I sure don't want to dump on them unless I am that sure. They have been super in the past. He has offered today to come up and get the hatch and do the repair. If his guy is as good as the person SGY had, then maybe I will be OK. Anybody ever price a new hatch for a late model?
Vinyl repair
Gatorgates, it held up fine. Even the new owner of the boat has had no problems. I agree with your sentiments about the dealer. A good dealer is a precious commodity.
Did I read somewhere that you have a 206? If so, how do you like it? I'm chomping at the bit to get mine in the water.
SGY, thanks for the input. I am feeling a little better.
Yes, I have a 2003 206 Limited. I bought it out of the showroom at the end of last season and was only able to put a 10 or 15 quality hours on it before the weather turned. I love the boat (hate the trailer, see my post). My family of 5 are (or soon will be) three eventers and the 206 has everything I ever could want. I skied CC in my youth and then had a prostar for the last 12 years. I am really looking foward to getting this season started and putting the boat to good use.
Vinyl repair
Awesome. I haven't read a negative post on the 206. I can't wait to really put mine through its paces. Most people on our lake have Malibus--including a RLXI. I can't wait to show up with my 206 and see how it compares to the Response.
Have a great spring.
Extreme repaired a small tear in my '02 upholstery. (tear was caused by a slalom ski fin when a friend dropped his ski). If you didn't know where the tear had been, you would never have been able to tell it had been repaired. If you knew where the original tear had been, you could barely tell. I was very happy with the repair. My original plan was to try the repair, and if unhappy with the appearance, replace the skin. I didn't feel any need to replace it after seeing the repair. (I am also VERY picky)
Dave2019 Ski Nautique 6.2 arriving soon
16 other Ski Nautiques
3 MasterCrafts
18 Ski Supreme's
1 SlickCraft Squirt Boat
I would break down and buy a new skin from Correct Craft for the section. It probably isn't very much money and will be back to perfect! A boat with 30 hours on it should have nothing but perfect interior. We put a lot of hours on ours with all year running. I have done vinyl repairs in the past with our boat and they just aren't the same. My SAN is only 4 years old and we are already changing all the skins just to bring it back to perfect!
If you are talking about the rear storage cover, I replaced both skins (and hinges) on my '02 196. Should be the same as your 206. If my memory serves me correctly I think I paid a little over $100 for both skins. (I can tell you it is a bad idea to pull the boat out of the garage with the covers open when you don't have enough overhead clearance - OUCH)
Dave2019 Ski Nautique 6.2 arriving soon
16 other Ski Nautiques
3 MasterCrafts
18 Ski Supreme's
1 SlickCraft Squirt Boat
I cant imagine why you would have to change the skins on a 4 year old boat. Has it been neglected, abused, or had an accident with nail polish or similar? Just curious my seats look like brand new on my 99 with just minimal care on and off the water.2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
Just in case anyone is still interested, my dealer e-mailed me today that the repair to the rip looked only OK. Since the boat is essentially brand new (25hrs), he decided that OK was not acceptable and ordered a new skin. It takes a few weeks to get the skin and I should have my boat good as new by mid-April. Once again I am reminded that a good dealer is worth his weight in gold.
Gatorgates, how big was the rip? I'm surprised that the repair looked only ok.
Count your blessings on having a good dealer. We don't have a dealer around here. It's lonely for us Colorado CC owners.
BTW, how do you like your 206? Have you skied behind it yet?