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The flow choking elements are the valves, the stock 750gpm attwoods are capable of pumping lots more volume but not through the little flo-rite or TH valves. Notice how the 500gpm rule drain pumps actually pump faster than the attwood 750's? I am considering replacing the intake system with a 1.5" single scoop to an electronic waste gate then to a manifold. I think this would be considerably faster since there would be no restrictions in the lines, plus the new TH valves are already getting very stiff, to the point one of the handles is starting to crack.
The rule 500's outpump the Attwood 750's because of two reasons, flow and head. The flow on the intake side is restricted by the cable valves with the little 1/2" hole (and that's best case scenario, less if they are not perfectly aligned). In industrial systems we use a restriction plate to limit flow, that's what's happening at the valves. The head between the lake and the tank is probably more than the tank to the output.
Seemed wierd so I timed it to confirm 3.5 or 5 minutes to fill rear or belly, 3 or 4 to drain. The rear tanks took almost 5 minutes each to fill before I moved the pumps up.