I am having an issue with my G23 thats been ongoing. Sporadically, random ballasts will not fill or drain. What happens is that on the screen it shows its filling/draining up but the pump is not working (its like there is a bad connection). It happens quite often and the local shop technicians cant seem to pinpoint the issue. To be clear the pumps are working fine. any ideas?
While I would expect a fault warning in the Linc if this was the case, I would:
- When the linc says the pumps are active and clearly they are off, disconnect the wiring harness at the pump end and run 12v to the pump directly and make sure it spins.
- If the pumps always work with direct current, test connectivity of the wiring harness between the controller board and the pumps. Do so both when the pumps work and do not work to rule out and intermittent short.
- If the above is all normal, and the controller board is new, you must have a problem with the Linc board or the connection between Linc and controller board.
Really sounds like an intermiitent bad relay on one off the boards.
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