2006 ski nautique, need some help, we are in the process of changing the steering cable and currently have most of the floorboards and engine hatches out of the way to assist the expert who is doing this job. upon pulling these boards and basically taking the small ballast tank out of the rear ski locker, it is filthy, looks like it hasn't been cleaned in ten years. Any way what do you guys recommend if anyone has done this with any success, my thoughts are some sort of spray (degreaser) then a hose down. Any info would help because getting after all these nooks and crannies with a brush seems a little tedious. I get it its almost twenty years old doesn't mean it has to be filthy....Thanks so much!!!
Are you talking about the filth inside of the bilge? A tip I picked up here was to mix up a 5-gallon bucket with hot water and liberal Simple Green. Put your plug in, dump the solution into the bilge, and go for a drive to let it slosh around. Does it come out perfect? No, but it was a huge improvement for mine.