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Hey uwhusky did the new pump work? The suspense is killing me. If not hook that old one up to 12 volts see if it spins it will tell you if it works then you can put back in the boat if it doesn’t fire up when you turn it on you know there’s a electrical issue with the boat.
Hooked new pump up to the powered wires in the boat...pump fired up.
Decided to just double check the old pump again...old pump threw an error on the screen (again) and did not work.
Problem definitely with the old pump.
That being said, I think the old pump is still in really good shape and has no real issues with it other than it needs to be put back together correctly. If anyone wants it, let me know and I'll ship it for the price of shipping.
Otherwise, some time this winter when I'm sitting around with nothing to do, I may try take it apart again and try to put it back together correctly.
SteveDoc, Rednucleus and others (sorry for not calling you about my name) I really appreciate all your help. Should be able to get back on the water next weekend. Although still a little cold out. High today is 70.