I was on the lake for three days with no problem. Went back to the lake two days later, turned on the power as normal, but the link system did not come on. The boat started, But the screen stayed black. Unhooked the batteries for 10 minutes and tried again with no luck. All of the buses look good and everything else seems to work fine except for the screen. Is there something else I can check?
I just dropped off at the dealership. There is some test you can run to see if it is the link screen or the power distribution Module. I believe at the end of the day it’s going to be the PDM but I will find out today or tomorrow and let you know. Here is the link of the document to determine what is possibly wrong. They told me to use this process even though it says 2011 through 2014 model. https://resource.kenect.com/9ugLLOWVQONVRW
Yes, ditto charlesml3, a PDF would be very helpful for future reference, that is a useful schematic.
I turned it into a PDF, it’s still not super legible but is a good reference guide. Screenshot 2024-07-26 143410.pdf