acceleration issues

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  • Leifgolson
    • Aug 2024
    • 2

    • Calgary Alberta

    • 216 sport limited

    acceleration issues

    I have a 2003 216 sport with a pcm 330 that is having some acceleration issues. I have noticed it most when i am pulling a tube and come off the throttle and then go back on it and the engine will not accelerate past 2000-2500 rpm. It seems like something is limiting it. When this happens I bring the throttle back to neutral for a minute and then try again and it is fine for 10 ish mins. Today we were knee boarding in that low rpm range using perfect pass and I went to increase the speed and it happened again. originally I thought bad fuel or water in the fuel and with with tubing doing lots of turning but today with knee boarding and being in a straight line that theory no long holds up. No engine light has come on.Things that have been done so far to trouble shoot
    Drained the fuel tank
    filled the tank back up with fresh gas
    Changed the fuel filter
    Changed the lower pressure fuel pump
    Disconnected the oil pressure switch
    Replaced Cap and Rotor
    Replaced Throttle Position sensor
    All of the above have made no change
    Looked at the spark plugs, they look healthy
    I am going to hook up a fuel pressure gauge and see what that says.
    Fuel Pressure check and is with in normal range at idle, WOT and when the RPM is being limited

    If anyone has any more ideas they would be appreciated
    Last edited by Leifgolson; 08-08-2024, 02:28 PM.
  • Leifgolson
    • Aug 2024
    • 2

    • Calgary Alberta

    • 216 sport limited


    Going down the lake at 12 mph after 11 mins I advanced the throttle lever and the RPM dies and wont accelerate past 2800m rpm. No engine light. I bring the throttle lever back to neutral and let the boat sit for a minute at idle and then it will go again with no issues

    The boat is acting like its going into limp mode runs fine from idle to 2800 rpm but will not go above that, but from everything I have read on here, you only get limp mode when a engine light. I do not get a engine light. The only time I see a engine light is when I start the boat. The light will go on and then off. I have also replaced the Temp sensor. Next will be the coil. After that I am at a bit of a loss.


    • biacs
      • Aug 2020
      • 252

      • IL

      • 2006 Nautique 220 Team Edition

      Did some googling for you and it's not an uncommon issue. Great thread here.

      It's actually great you're replacing as many parts in the meantime. I do like the approach of pulling either wires off of sensors and seeing if the problem exists, to help pin down,

      FYI, there was an additional fuel filter at the tank. I replaced once in a while.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      • SteveDoc
        • Nov 2012
        • 29
        • The Pond and Sacramento Delta

        • Redwood city ca

        • 2002 Ski Nautique 196

        Is your water temp ok? oil pressure? have you checked your impeller? My brother just picked up a 2005 206 and this happened to him cleaned the raw water strainer and put it back on with the o ring not on correctly sucked in air and over heated. His oil and water gauges aren’t working but he said no check engine light boat wouldn’t go above 2500 rpm but ran smoothly.

