We had a nice weekend down here in Texas so I took the boat out for a cruise. It took a while to start (because I replaced the fuel filter and forgot to prime / fill the FCC) but when it finally did, almost all of my gauges weren’t working. Tach worked fine, only the screen on the speedo was working, not the needle though. Shift it into gear and take off, and I’m thinking that’s odd, but the boat drives like normal. Shift into neutral for a second, then go to take off again and nothing. The boat would idle forward and backward, but not gain speed. Check engine light comes on.
So I turn the boat off, and then back on. Drives fine for the 1st time under throttle and then back to only idling after going through neutral. So we drove around the rest of the day without ever taking it out of gear and drove fine for a few hours. Any ideas what I should be checking first? Boat is a ZR409 with 150 hours.
So I turn the boat off, and then back on. Drives fine for the 1st time under throttle and then back to only idling after going through neutral. So we drove around the rest of the day without ever taking it out of gear and drove fine for a few hours. Any ideas what I should be checking first? Boat is a ZR409 with 150 hours.