Gt40 Problems

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  • Andre Speckbacher
    • Sep 2021
    • 1

    • Germany

    • SN 196

    Gt40 Problems

    (I dont know if it is the right place hear)

    Hey guys, I have a Ski Nautique 196 from 2001, fitted with a GT40. I have the following problems with the engine:

    -When cold it starts relatively normally, when warm it revs harder and starts very badly. If I let the engine stand for 4-5 hours after driving, it starts normally again. If I turn it off when warm and want to start it 10 minutes later, it hardly starts at all.

    After 2 years with this problem, the following problem occurred last summer.

    -After about 15-20 minutes of driving, it starts to stutter as if it is running out of gas. But it runs at idle. If I wait a few hours and it is cold, it starts up well again and pulls through to high revs without any problems.

    The following has been replaced so far:

    Fuel: fuel filter, low pressure pump, high pressure pump, fuel pressure regulator, all injectors

    Ignition: distributor cap, distributor finger, ignition coil, all ignition cables, spark plugs.

    Starter and battery were also replaced

    Unfortunately all without success. Does anyone else have an idea what it could be?
  • Jonny Quest
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Aug 2014
    • 381

    • Salt Lake City, Utah via Texas

    • 2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited with ZR6 Engine

    Idle Air Control valve (IAC)
    Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
    Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
    All these can be replaced for not too many Deutschmarks. They are sensors that provide information to the Electronic Control Module. If they start to fail, the symptoms you are describing are quite possible.

    Außerdem ist die Hochdruckkraftstoffpumpe innerhalb der Kraftstoffregelzelle (FCC) an einem kurzen schwarzen Kraftstoffschlauch montiert. Dieser Kraftstoffschlauch kann kleine Risse und Löcher entwickeln. Diese sind oft sehr schwer zu sehen, aber die Löcher und Risse können auch einige der Symptome verursachen, die Sie beschreiben.

    Viel Glück!


