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Jason It may be the torque of the engine. With the engine off and at the dock try moving the wheel in both directions, Is it the same in botjh directions? If so it is the torque of the engine that ,mmakes it hard to steer to the right. I beleive there is an adjustmen you can make if the boat has the tunable rudder. If it is hard in one direction while sitting at the dock it is the rudder cable. They run around $250.
It's easy.... Just pull the back seat out (you will probably have to pull the driver side cooming pad to get it out) then undo the shield for the gas filler and vent. Then remove the engine cover and floor board . Then disconnect the filler and fuel lines (make sure you mark them in and return) and remove the gas tank . Uh maybe its not so easy... I've done it several times on my 2000SN and it takes about 3 hours. If you are going to do it I suggest you have a line on a steering cable. That way if it is the cable you can replace it while everything is apart. Also while you have it apart you should repack the rudder. Search for the post on this forum. You need 1/4" packing I like the teflon impregnated flax. Make sure you support the bottom of the rudder as it will fall out after you take the arm off and loosen the packing. Good luck
I have done it several times on my 99 Nautique without pulling the gas tank. It takes a long extension and a little patience, but it is not that hard. Also, don't try to reuse the old safety wire - buy a roll of new wire.It makes a huge difference in steering effort on right hand turns.