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Does anyone have an original pitot for sell or know someone that has one? Maybe off of a wrecked boat or something? New or used.
It's for a 91' Ski Nautique.
The replacements from SkiDIM are supposed to be much better. They require drilling to make the holes line up (drilling of the pitots, not the transom of the boat). Supposedly they arent as susceptible to clogging as the airguides are. Im replacing mine this spring.
Ski and Sports in Tyler Texas has some. I am not sure they will part with them though. Ask for Shannon. 903-509-1ski
Bought one from Shannon last year (this was the newer style like they had at skidim). So much better than the original it replaced. Like time said, you have to drill the pitot assembly to make it line up.
We ride in some pretty silt filled water, which would ordinarily clog our old pitots in a matter of minutes. Our new one hasn't clogged since I installed it last year.