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I have the same problem with an 04. Took out the thermostat and warmed it up in a pan of water and it opened. Put it back in the boat and took it out for a test. Engine still does not go over 106 F. Manifolds cool, heater cool, oil cool, tranny fluid cool.
I understand with cooler water temperatures it will take longer for it to warm up but they do warm up to the setpoint on the thermostat unless I am missing something?
Get it replaced asap. Contact your local dealer because several Excaliburs were sent out with bad thermostats. Your engine will not break in properly with a cool thermostat and you may end up with an oil burner.
I have a old '85 2001 sn and it is running about 125 to 150, is that warm enough or should i have it checked out. the water temp is between 70 and 75. It seems to be burning a little bit of oil and i wonder if this is why, also is there a website were you can get aftermarket seal kits for the 351 in these older boats.
The reason that a new engine may use oil because of low temps is that the rings will not set properly. Most of the boats came with a 140 thermostat. When they put in heaters and showers, they will bump the temp to 160. If you are running around 140-150 when it is warmed up you should be fine.
BTW, points out that you know me, except for the spelling? jj's weird. How did you come up with it?
My new thermostats arrived from Skidim today. Put both the new ones and the original new one in some cold water, warmed it up and all three began to open and were completely opened at the same time.
I learned to not question the reason why so I dropped a new one in, took the boat for a test run and presto! 158 to 161 F. with a water temp of 49 F.
The issue is not a failed thermostat. The thermostat has a collection of junk in it. To fix this, take the thermostat out of the housing and get it heated up so that it opens and then clean the junk out of it from around the edges. Put it back into place with a new gasket and test it. Everything should work just fine. Thermostats rarely ever "fail".