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i ended up buying the decals, putting them on vinyl and scanning them it one by one then editing them in photoshop. i sent them to ryan to adjust and line up, he did the 2001 but i think im going to try and fing the decal and repo it exactly.
I'm sure you'd want the ones for the stern, too, that say "Competition Barefoot Nautique" and the two little feet that go up in the corner. That would make a really nice job! :grin:
\"You could by a cheaper boat, but then you would have to ride it.\"
i have the stern decals but i dont think they are right, they are not original decals i can tell by the backing on the decal. i wouldnt mind all the decals on the boat including the 2001 on the hull.
to all who are wondering i have a set of these decals on the way in the mail to me. i will post back of the quality of them as i have a real set sitting in my office. i will compare and report back.