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Anyone have a part # for the 2 relays on the GT-40? I have the hella relays, but am not having any luck finding them, or cross- matching them. I have seen where some people have swapped over to bosch (sp?) relays.
Don't have the numbers but I would call any Nautique dealership and they can take care of you with no problem. Was the fuel pump relays your problem or is there more?
You can get those apart and clean the conacts. I had a problem with this and my boat would not run. Took them apart and took an emory board and sanded the contact points. no problems since.
Does everyone but me know that if the emergency cut-off switch is bad the fuel pump will not work?? I am hoping this was my problem, and it only took me 7 hours to figure it out. It seems that my intermittent fuel pump was caused by a faulty/ bad connection inside the switch. I need to do some more testing but I am 95% confident I have found my problem.