The rubber 'weather striping' around the bottom of the engine hump on my DD has come off and I was wondering if anyone knew a good adhesive that will hold and not eat into the plastic? Thanks
RE: Rubber Glue?
If you use auto weather stripping adhesive, be carefull. This stuff is also referred to as "Yellow Death" because it will stick to anything and is **** near impossible to get off. Put a small amount in the channel of the plastic and let it set up for 5-10 min. I would recomend pulling the engine doghouse completely out of the boat, to avoid getting glue on everything.
Hot glue might work, but I would be concerned that it would remelt on a real hot day. Gorilla glue is great, but it expands and would probably attract dirt.
PS, get a buddy to help with the engine cover. They are not real heavy, but they bounce real good when you drop them out of the boat. Unfortunately, I speak from experience.