I am new to this forum. Just found it today. Lots of good info and plan on spen ding more time here. :razz:
I have a 84 SN 2001 with 660 hours onit. I have owned it for 5 years and mostly run 91 octane Non oxiginated fuel. I see on the valve covers it states to not run unleaded luel. :???:
Since that is all they sell here in Minnesota what is my best option? Do I have to buy lead substitutes and add them or ??? :?: :?:
I like to stay away from the 87 and 89 octane here due to the ethenal added to it. :x
Another question about seats. Does anyone make new seat frames for these older boats. Either in wood or plastic, or are there patterns available to rebuild them???
Thanks for your help.
I am new to this forum. Just found it today. Lots of good info and plan on spen ding more time here. :razz:
I have a 84 SN 2001 with 660 hours onit. I have owned it for 5 years and mostly run 91 octane Non oxiginated fuel. I see on the valve covers it states to not run unleaded luel. :???:
Since that is all they sell here in Minnesota what is my best option? Do I have to buy lead substitutes and add them or ??? :?: :?:
I like to stay away from the 87 and 89 octane here due to the ethenal added to it. :x
Another question about seats. Does anyone make new seat frames for these older boats. Either in wood or plastic, or are there patterns available to rebuild them???
Thanks for your help.