Well a dead battery after my last trip turns out to be an alternator problem. Its a "classic" Prestolite - I think it the original to my boat (1976 Nuatique w/351 PCM).
A local alternator/starter repair shop bench tested it and stated diodes and some other part are shot. He recommends a new marine unit and states it will only have one (1) wire, the positive (+) wire to connect. When I asked about all the three (3) other wires he indicated I'll no longer need them and to just remove or tape off.
I'm a bit hesitant... does anyone have experience with this conversion? I'd rather find a direct replacement unit if possible. Something about messing with the wiring on this old boat concerns me!
A local alternator/starter repair shop bench tested it and stated diodes and some other part are shot. He recommends a new marine unit and states it will only have one (1) wire, the positive (+) wire to connect. When I asked about all the three (3) other wires he indicated I'll no longer need them and to just remove or tape off.
I'm a bit hesitant... does anyone have experience with this conversion? I'd rather find a direct replacement unit if possible. Something about messing with the wiring on this old boat concerns me!