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Does it hurt to run your boat in gear while out of water?
RE: Does it hurt to run your boat in gear while out of water
Sometimes we want to visual check the prop/shasft turning or a stuk trans will turn the shaft when in neutral on trailer,except connect hose to for cooling, shower the shaft strut so water can wet the strut while in idling speed it don't hurt any thing to your boat.
RE: Does it hurt to run your boat in gear while out of water
like richard said, as long as u keep the strut and the stuffing box wet it shouldn' harm the boat... ALTHOUGH i can't say anything for people who get a little too close to the prop.....
Thanks guys. I figurered it would harm a bearing or bushing.
When I take my boat on the water it will slowly accelerate to about 10 mph and then stall or backfire. When I am working on the boat at home, in neutral, the gear-engage knob wont allow me to go anywhere near full throttle. I guess I could unhook the throttle at the motor and do it right?
i check propshafts and props using this method. i use motor cycle chain lube in the strut bushing works great no need to really wing it up though just putting into gear is enough to check shaft/prop without lube you WILL DESTROY the bushing!! and yes stay clear of the prop it can kill you.