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Have a look where the shaft enters the boat there is a large nut it maybe leaking at that point if you look down the side of the motor
on the walk over side of the boat with a torch with your boat in the water you might see it dripping.
take a look at the shaft also open eng cover while running and take a close look at all hose clamps. inches of water in a few hours is not a small leak on a brand new boat. take it to the dealer he should be fixing your concern. but you want to find this leak before it gets worse and what will happen is underload all the water rushes to the back gets slung up by the crank pulley/belt area and will cause your pulleys to rust and wear out your belts. you need to get it fixed asap!
I beleive I found the leak - the lower heating hose
The hose clamp was not even over the fitting - basically just pinching the hose - not the hose onto the internal fitting - it is in a tough place to get to though
I moved it back into the the correct place - will water test tomorrow