Dear all,
I just get a conversion kit from point to electronic for my correct craft. I get it from Retro Rocket ( Petronix ignitor)
I got a trouble to make my ignition working. I strictly follow installation instruction
I try to start my engine; engine did not start at all.
I have try what is suggest in manual like disconnecting red wire from ignitor to coil and connect it directly to + of the battery. Same result engine don’t start.
Then I remove spark plugs to verify if I have sparks when starting my engine, but no spark comes to the plug at all.
I have notice that the gap between the magnet and the rotor is quite big and there is no way to adjust it.
If I install back my point ignition system, by boat start right away
I nede your help, to know what I can do.
Does any one gets any idea ?
Thanks for your fat reply
I just get a conversion kit from point to electronic for my correct craft. I get it from Retro Rocket ( Petronix ignitor)
I got a trouble to make my ignition working. I strictly follow installation instruction
I try to start my engine; engine did not start at all.
I have try what is suggest in manual like disconnecting red wire from ignitor to coil and connect it directly to + of the battery. Same result engine don’t start.
Then I remove spark plugs to verify if I have sparks when starting my engine, but no spark comes to the plug at all.
I have notice that the gap between the magnet and the rotor is quite big and there is no way to adjust it.
If I install back my point ignition system, by boat start right away
I nede your help, to know what I can do.
Does any one gets any idea ?
Thanks for your fat reply