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Impeller had 3 fins torn off and I know nothing got on the pickup(double checked). Inside of RWP looked fine, but could be something else. Friend of mine was there, used to be a Nautique dealer, said he had never seen anything like that. Replace impeller and everything was fine.
Agree, air leak before the pump, gives no water at idle. Check sheared hoses close to clamp, tighten all hose clamps, strainer. Check that the pump sucks very stong vacuum at idle, palm of your hand at the hose. If you want to check the vacuum, release, hose at bottom intake, start and run it for 10sec, and shut off, and you will know.
Mine did not suck vacuum at idle, due to a flat spot on the transmison oilcooler, mecanic killed this when connecting the hose to the cooler and did not notice.
50 hours is way too few for a new impeller to go out provided eevrything else is fine.
Def check the hoses before the RWP.
I had an impeller go on my martinique that when it lost enough fins, it filled the entire motor full of water, and hydro seized it.
I was boarding behind it when it happened, and i thought the worst. After I got it pulled back, and out of the lake, I drained the oil, and all the water, pulled the impeller, and found my issue. I heard it is rare to have happen, but I witnessed that occurrence myself.
Now I check the impeller every year upon spring prep.