just the other night all the gauges except the perfect pass froze. the keypad still works normally, the stereo remote works normally. the backlight for the remote works but no lights in the gauges come on. the tach is stuck at 2500 i am assuming its last reading. nothing will reset after turning it on or off. i looked for breakers for these to no avail. it seams the gauges are not fused. i looked under the dash and it appears normal, then under the kickpanel. attacted to the kickpanel is the main black box, then there is another black box held up to the boat back undeneath. i see the labels on it and of couse it has to do with the gauges so i unhook the power supply and the PP went out, so i know it is getting power, when i plugged it back in the PP came back on but nothing else.
any ideas?
any ideas?