My 06 SAN does not have the "Watersports Tow Point" and I am interested in what other options were available (if any) besides the pylon to use as a lower tow point.
I searched and saw that the pylon can be added, but I like not having the pylon sticking out. I am basically looking for a tow point for pulling my daughters in a tube. Right now I use the tower, but my girls are only 1 and 2 1/2 so we cruise at like 10mph and they ride with their mom.
I searched and saw that the pylon can be added, but I like not having the pylon sticking out. I am basically looking for a tow point for pulling my daughters in a tube. Right now I use the tower, but my girls are only 1 and 2 1/2 so we cruise at like 10mph and they ride with their mom.