I have a 01 SAN and keep it in the garage all winter long. The temp in the garage never goes below 40. Since the boat will not move untill late May should I drain the water in the engine or just leave it? If I leave the water in the engine do I need to worry about rust?
RE: Do I need to winterize???
Don't forget to stabilize the fuelCurrent
2003 SkiNautique 206 LE Yellow - Black - Silver Cloud
Previous Fleet
2006 Ski Nautique 196 SE Titanium - Black- Silver Cloud
2004 Ski Nautique 206 LE Red - Black - Silver Cloud
1993 Mastercraft Stars & Stripes 190 Red
RE: Do I need to winterize???
Can you guarantee that you will not lose power in a severe winter storm? Even if your home is heated with Natural Gas, can you guarantee that there will not be any disruption in service?
Your issue is long term storage without running the boat. That is why you should "winterize" your boat
Install a Perko flush out kit and let the water pump draw antifreez into the cooling system. I have a flusk kit on my 206 and it works great!
http://www.marineengine.com/products...php?in=2820455 :razz:
We winterize every year even though our 206 is garaged also. We did it ourselves last year because we couldn't get into Jim at Marine Specialties in time before that first freeze hit us last year. We usually have our yearly service done at the same time ... that way we are good to go as soon as it warms up. Hint ... there is a new private lake that is fed by geothermal water south of Lahonton, we'll be in the water in March or early April Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
SKIDIM sells a nice engine drain kit for about $70. Just installed one on my 1990 SN. Very handy. Doesn't usually get that cold here in Houston, but it's nice to run the motor once or twice a month during the winter - and then be able to drain it quickly and easily after it cools down.\"Helping you make smart choices about your money - so you can live a better life.\"
winterzing is extremely simple you can just drain all the water and it will be just fine. make sure that water comes out of each drain plug to ensure there is no blockage, otherwise you might be in for a surprise (ie a new engine due cracked block. surprise!). for added measure you can simply suck 5 gallons of cheap pink anti freeze through the water intake line. it's easily disconnected.
If the temp does not dip below 30 for more than a few hors, i personally don't see the reason to drain the block. The block will not rust if there is water in it, but if it is drained, the exposed surface will rust. That is why I put antifreeze in my boat when I winterize it. And I only started winterizing it when I started storing it more than an hour from the house. Before when i kept it at the house, I would only winterize it if the temps went below freezing for more than a day, and that rarely happens here in Houston.
The only other thing I do is keep stabil in the tank, but I do that year round. Don't ever know when my next ski trip will be, so I must prepare for the worst. Unfortunatly, it has been the worst for the last couple years. Only used the boat 4 time this year so far. Now hunting season is coming, and I doubt we will be going much more.