Originally posted by fyrhog
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Lots of folks think they have it all figured out with sucking in the antifreeze with a hose as a method of winterization... but in many cases your -15deg pink AF gets dilluted... or not even distribution throughout the engine. or, if you arent up to operating temps the thermostat wont even open and you have no AF in the block whatsoever but yet you see it coming out the exhaust so you think you are good.
I definitly stretch to be able to afford my boat. that kind of money for a cracked block or missing 30-60 days of primo boating season isnt in the budget or part of the plan....now, with that being said... if I lived in south Florida... and 32degs happened once every 5-7yrs... that's be another story. If your area hits 30s regularly... whether you store indoors or not, makes sense to learn how to drain and eliminate the risk. Not worth it IMO.
With that being said... I went to winterize the XR550 myself this fall and I could not complete with the PCM winterization diagram in my hand... couldnt figure out how to remove the return hose off the impelllor housing on the rear of the engine. Ended up with bloddy knuckles and only at step 3 of 7. I plan to have the mechs at Buxton walk me thru it when I pick it up here in a few weeks.