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I second the prop change. If you need more power and less top speed go down 2" of pitch. If you need more speed and less pull go up 2.
A 2" pitch change is very extreme. On comparable props, Ive seen a 1/2" pitch cause a change of about 200RPM. At that rate, 2" of pitch would add or subtract about 800RPM. If going up in pitch, youd surely lose speed- the motor just wont make enough power under 4k RPMs to speed the boat up. Subtracting 2" of pitch would give you an incredible holeshot, but youd lose a ton of top end again- a stock motor is way past its powerband at 5500-6000 RPM.
Long story short: If you plan to add power, go with an Acme 1442. If you plan to stay at 240/255hp, go with an Acme 470. You can call Acme and they'll agree.