Ouch...boat beached on rocks

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  • J
    • Aug 2007
    • 80

    • BC Interior

    Ouch...boat beached on rocks

    OK...it's definately not as bad as the one pictured earlier on this forum......

    well.....i had my 06 226 for about about 30 days now.....and it seperated from it's buoy last night!!! Unfortunately I have a very rocky beach area too.
    I do have good neighbours, and they did manage to move the boat to the dock, but significant damage was done, because they didn't notice untill the morning.
    I am still mystified about how it seperated from the buoy, as I am a little anal about checking the connection points. It appears that the steel pin connection from the rope to the buoy had somehow failed during a storm. Oh well, time for my insurance to hopefully fit the bill.

    The fibreglass damage is ugly, but not too severe according to a fibrglass repair shop.
    They quoted me about $1200-1500.

    My question is with reguards to the running gear underneith.
    Prop is toast, rudder functions normally but has a couple scuffs, drive shaft looks pretty scuffed, and middle three track fins are all scuffed.
    I will throw a straight edge on the driveshaft tonight to check to see if its bent, but I suspect its OK.
    Anyway, when I drove it to the launch to get it out of the water, It vibrated quite a bit so I drove really slow.
    What should I be looking for besides the obvious damaged parts?
    The closest correct craft service/sales area is over 6 hrs from me, so I'll have a local marine shop do the repairs, as I'll get them hooked with West Coast Correct Craft for parts. I'm assuming insurance will pay for all repairs, but there's only 53hrs on her so I want a mint repair.
    I will post pic's later.

    Thanks, snf snf

  • AbunDiga909
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 2470

    • St. Louis, MO

    RE: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

    All that gold crap under the hull is made so its supposed to be bent easily, this way, if things like this happen, the prop and fins (replacable) will take the damage, and as little will be transfered to the hull and gelcoat (not so replacable). I've had a fin bent so it looks like an upper case L almost... they're extremely important and usually an easy fix. Worst comes to worst, have them replaced. If the boat is vibrating as you mentioned, definately don't go above headway speed and operate the boat as little as possible. The prop is probably bent enough where it is causing the shaft to virbrate (obviously), but this could end up damaging your packing gland... so dont do it! Again, props.. easily repaired and replacable... any fixer-upper shop should be able to repair this copper junk...

    I'd be surprised if there is actually any structual damage to the hull. Scratches and "knooks" can be buffed and repaired, respectively. I've seen an old 2001 boat slam into a rock at slalom skiing speeds--little damage was done to the hull (though he was in for all new running gear). good luck with the repair, and maybe next time a storm is coming in, you should consider pulling..lol
    [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


    • J
      • Aug 2007
      • 80

      • BC Interior

      Some pics of the damage....most of the hull damage seems to be between the tracking fins & the drive shaft....I think the prop might have kept the stern from taking to much of a beating. (some mud on the hull from towing too)

      The drive shaft appears to be fairly true....my biggest concern is if an impact on the shaft itself could damage something internally.....


      • Hollywood
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1930

        • WIIL

        Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

        Originally posted by J
        I will throw a straight edge on the driveshaft tonight to check to see if its bent, but I suspect its OK. .
        Your shaft is trash.


        • SquamInboards
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Sep 2005
          • 397

          • Squam Lake, NH

          • '82 2001 '84 2001 '86 2001 '98 NSS '87 American Skier

          RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

          I wouldn't say that necessarily, take the shaft out and have a prop shop or machine shop test it with calipers. Check with CC for what the tolerances are for the shaft and there's a good chance that if it is bent at all it can be re-machined. Keep in mind that a new shaft alone will run you around $600. The only catch is you have to know your way around a V-Drive to do this yourself. I did it recently and it took a friend and I about 5 hours total to get the shaft out and back in, it requires the removal of the V-Drive and gas tank so make sure you know what you're doing but it's really not that hard, just time consuming.
          How 'bout a little reverse action...


          • J
            • Aug 2007
            • 80

            • BC Interior

            RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

            because the shaft has quite a few gouges in it, i suspect it may be a hair bent. The rudder & shaft guide (not sure what its called...strut?) seem to be fine just a few scratches...

            Is it normal for the shaft not to be centered through the hull entry point? (as the image shows)....when I spin the shaft it doesn't seem to vary in placement in the hole. Just hope something wasn't lodged out of place inside.


            • SGY
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Jul 2003
              • 990

              RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

              The shaft should be centered in the shaft log and the shaft strut from the factory. The motor/tranny is then aligned to the shaft. That doesn't mean it always is, but it's the general idea.


              • BigBald
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Jan 2004
                • 529

                • Indianapolis (Carmel), IN

                RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                Let me tell you from experience....there could be a bunch of things wrong that are not easily seen by the eye. If you have a good dealer, have them check it out. It's worth having them look at it. From my experience, I didn't notice much damage to the shaft, but it ended up being very bent, and it trashed the coupling within the transmission (at the motor?)....and the strut was bent, and I have fiberglass damage around the strut. If it was just me, I would say that I didn't have a clue what I was looking at....but there was another person that was helping me look at the damage, and he had years of experience with boats. He didn't see anything either. So, if it wasn't for the dealer, I would have been replacing the prop and hoping for the best.
                88 Ski Nautique
                99 Sport Nautique
                Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team


                • Quinner
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 2246

                  • Unknown

                  • Correct Crafts

                  RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                  Very sorry to see what happened to your boat. The one piece of advice I can give you is if you decide to do an insurance claim be sure and bring it to the best possible source to get everything fixed and fixed right! Don't be shy about what should be fixed, aim high as the insurance Co's have a tendency to aim low, remember a claim is a claim and how much they pay out is not as important to them as the fact that you have a claim. Bottom line is if making a claim make sure it covers everything!

                  Good Luck!


                  • DWhitt
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 140

                    • Gainesville, GA

                    • 2006 SAN 220 TE Previous Boat: 2002 SAN 210 TE

                    RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                    It might be worth the 6 hour drive to know things are done right unless you really trust your local guy. I would rather use someone who knows v-drives and nautiques very well for something like this.


                    • 81nautique
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 257

                      • Big Rock, Illinois

                      • 2012 200 Sport 1956 Correct Craft Collegian Past boats 1955 Correct Craft Hurricane 81 Anniversary Nautique 1960 GlassCraft Ski Nautique #1

                      RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                      $1200-$1500 sounds cheap to me, there's a lot of damage there. You don't check for damage on a prop shaft with calipers, you true it in V blocks and I'd bet that ones junk. Insurance job, replace everything. The boats brand new and needs to be returned to that condition. I'd tow it the 6 hours to CC and let then fix it right.


                      • BigBald
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 529

                        • Indianapolis (Carmel), IN

                        RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                        I agree, that amount seems low. Mine was almost $3000 and I didn't have near the fiberglass damage that you had. New prop, new shaft and strut, and fiberglass repair around the strut.
                        88 Ski Nautique
                        99 Sport Nautique
                        Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team


                        • ffmedic74
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 835

                          • Lexington, KY

                          RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                          I would take it to the dealer, have them deem the boat is unrepairable due to X, Y, and Z. Get 2 dealer quotes, and have insurance get you a new boat!


                          • Fast351
                            • Oct 2006
                            • 315

                            • Winsted, MN

                            • 2001 Ski Nautique

                            RE: Re: Ouch...boat beached on rocks

                            Insurance will not junk a $60K boat unless it needs that much in repairs to make it right. Even on the high side those repairs are under $5K.

                            I third the recommendation of taking it to a Correct Craft dealer. At the VERY least find a shop that specializes in inboards and V-drives in specific. They are very different than I/O's for example.

                            A short case in point: my neighbor across the street has a jet boat that his son ran up on the rocks and it needed repair in the jet area. He took it to the dealer he bought it from who also sells I/O's, fishing boats, pontoons, and Supras. In other words, they don't specialize in this type of repair. He got the boat back after an unusually long time. Well, the jet leaked (into the boat this time) and the boat had to go back to the factory to get fixed. The shop had misaligned the motor when reassembling and screwed up all kinds of other things. Obviously jet boat repair wasn't their forte.

                            Use a shop that knows their way around a V-drive.

                            2001 Ski Nautique / 2007 SV211 TE (gone but not forgotten)

