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Gonna refinance the '93. Went and picked it up from the shop. Guess I called them just in time. When I left it on saturday, they said they would check it out again and call me. Since I hadn't heard anything as of 4pm on tuesday I decided to call and check. The diagnosis was to pull the trans and check the power(?) valve and replace it and the front seal. Could cost $400-650 to fix. I told them I would call back with a decision. Called them this am and told them not to do anything. They were just about to pull the trans when I called. Pretty assumptive of them, huh? Anyway, S.E.C.C. said to check a few things before pulling the trans. The throttle linkage alignment at the carb when it is just barely in forward gear and the selector valve on the trans may be gummed up. I've checked the linkage and it was off by one mounting hole on the cable mount. Hopefully that will do it. I'll put it in the water this weekend and post the results. I'm sure the trans will have to come out for the front seal, but maybe this will cure the stall in forward. Thanks for listening.