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PLEASE STOP AND READ! The DIY section is for posting DIY articles only! These articles should be about some repair or project that YOU HAVE COMPLETED, and how others can also accomplish whatever you have done. The DIY section is NOT a place to start threads asking HOW to do something. Threads like that must be started in the Maint. / Tech. Discussion section. It is permissible to ask the original poster questions about his or her project in their thread here though.
Well, I went ahead a bought a 13pin din cable with open wires on the other end, I'm going to try and figure out the right setup for the 5475....as best I can tell, its definitly not the same as the XMD1. I've found pinnout's on the internet that match the diagram above...but cannot find anything on the 5475.
If somone has found the correct pinnout for the 5475, please post it up.
Can someone provide a schematic on how to hook up a single headphone style cable to the 13pin connector? My goal would be to have a cable that will plug directly into my ipod. Thanks
OK, so while messing around with the tester, I decided to do some basic analysis of the CD changer interface for the 5475 in hopes of doing the MP3 hookup thing. I have a 13 pin cable I purchased on line plugged into the unit with all wires color coded to the pins.
I originally tried to do the hookup as perscribed on the XMD1, but had no luch as others have mentioned. I measured the voltage on each cable with the Radio powered but OFF and with the Radio powered but ON and playing. I can't figure out which two wires should be shorted to put it into ACC/CD Changer Mode.
Can anything be determined from voltage readings alone?
A= Radio Powered (clock running) but turned OFF
B= Radio Powerd AND turned ON, and playing
Obviously the biggest differences are increased voltage on a couple and a major increase on #5. So obviously 5 and 10 are power wires of some sort. And I'm guessing all of the 0's are L&R inputs, and grounds.
So all you electricians/stereo experts, what do you think?
It would be ideal if someone could take the same readings on the XMD1.
Your right, that would actually be really helpful, at least narrow it down to the two wires.
Through my research on other similar attempts, some 13pin cd changers utilize a 10Kohm resistor between between two of wires to act as a "pull-up resistor".
But without knowing exactly which two wires, you still risk frying your radio.
I just finished my project and it DID NOT work. UGGGH! On the first page of this thread that shows the schematic, I should look at it from the view where I would make my solder connections correct???? My switch is hooked up to pins 5 and 9. When I go to throw the switch however nothing happens. I even tried to look at the schematic in reverse and the radio immediately went dead. To get the radio to work again I would have to turn my switch off and turn the boat back off and on again. My radio is an XMD1. Any help is appreciated.
The schematic shows a MALE plug. Thats what an earlier post states. That is the way I wired mine. Don't know if it works though. If you made your solder connections via the schematic then your connections are all wrong. I bought the wired cable and had to test every wire to lable. I tripled checked before I soldered my connections. But.... have not been able to try it yet.
I found that if that you can use a pair of needle nose pliers to pull each pin out as needed and then simply push them in. Does the schematic show the back side view of the male plug since this is how I wired it and it did nothing. I reversed it and it killed the radio and had to "reboot" the boat with the switched turned off.
Received my 13 pin with 6 foot cable yesterday. Stupid question regarding the stereo headphone cable, what color is left and what is right.
Wish me luck