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PLEASE STOP AND READ! The DIY section is for posting DIY articles only! These articles should be about some repair or project that YOU HAVE COMPLETED, and how others can also accomplish whatever you have done. The DIY section is NOT a place to start threads asking HOW to do something. Threads like that must be started in the Maint. / Tech. Discussion section. It is permissible to ask the original poster questions about his or her project in their thread here though.
so the deck is the radio? and do i need to remove it or can I reach behind it to plug the 13 pin plug in? also echo the green and white wires your referring to are both coming from the 13 pin plug correct?
so the deck is the radio? and do i need to remove it or can I reach behind it to plug the 13 pin plug in? also echo the green and white wires your referring to are both coming from the 13 pin plug correct?
The 13 pin plug is on the back side of the HU. The plug was designed for a cd changer. By connecting the green and white wires from the plug the HU sees a changer and allows the input from the left and right channels that you wire in using a mini stereo jack.
I hooked everything up correct, didnt need the switch since we will only be using an ipod so I connected the green and white wires, soder all of them plug it in and it only show the time on the radio, disconnect the battery and turn boat back on and nothing shows up on radio? is it a problem if our CD player doesnt work? what should I do?
I hooked everything up correct, didnt need the switch since we will only be using an ipod so I connected the green and white wires, soder all of them plug it in and it only show the time on the radio, disconnect the battery and turn boat back on and nothing shows up on radio? is it a problem if our CD player doesnt work? what should I do?
Make sure the 9 and 5 pins are the ones you connected. Also, take off the pin to make sure that the fm stereo works. This way you know the head unit is ok. What do you mean by cd player doesn't work? With a cd in nothing shows on the screen?
Stereo works, I tried it this morning and it showed 100 on the screen, I used the driver control for the radio near the dash and it somehow turned it to AUX, Sounds great, thanks Echo for the late night help, this has got to be one of the best forums I have ever been on. also if anyone is interested im going to Ziptie the crap out of my connections to secure them behind the radio and maybe even tie my aux chord around something in there, that way if some girl has the ipod and pulls the chord out it wont rip out all of your work
Too cool. Glad you were able to get it to work. The radios I have dealt with did not have the separate controller. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but who cares. It works!
Well, ready to upgrade the XMD-1 to the modern world. Any recommendations out there for a new stereo head that will fit the same space as the XMD-1 and has the ability of streaming audio from your iPhone/iPod?
This thread is awesome! I just made my cable and cant wait to try. I made a bit of a mod and wired a Bluetooth receiver to the input and now have a wireless input. Wish me luck, Ill post the results ASAP.
Looks like I wired it totally backwards. No harm though. I just rewired and its good to go! I used an "Esinkin" Bluetooth receiver and set it to pull power from my amp circuit. Put the aux switch in the Glove box as there was a hole there already. Thanks for all the help Planet Nautique!
Thanks for posting this; I can't believe I waited so long to do a web search on this!! I ordered my parts and built my cable and everything works, but...
When the switch is in one position, it plays from the iPod. When it's in the other position, the head unit displays DISC and apparently wants to play from the local CD. I either position, the other controls are useless, which means I can't select radio band. That can't be right.
I don't think I wired anything wrong, but I don't understand why I can't select the radio bands. Any thoughts?
I know this tread is many years old but I was wondering if anyone had any extra cords laying around that they might want to sell. I would assume that a lot of people have upgraded stereos or boats since this tread was started. Thanks.