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PLEASE STOP AND READ! The DIY section is for posting DIY articles only! These articles should be about some repair or project that YOU HAVE COMPLETED, and how others can also accomplish whatever you have done. The DIY section is NOT a place to start threads asking HOW to do something. Threads like that must be started in the Maint. / Tech. Discussion section. It is permissible to ask the original poster questions about his or her project in their thread here though.
yah, the stock grey stuff on my 2008 is a joke. it is super slick. i'm going to do mine with SeaDek once i get back out to the boat and trace the outline of the stuff on there so i can order some replacement padding.
A bit and it wanted to crack. I needed intact to trace the pattern on the back of the gator grip.
I used a putty knife and a hair drier and it took a few hours.
I did the gunwales of my Excel in Hydroturf. I love it, don't want to slip carrying the ax to the tower. In a effort to keep her as original as I could I got samples of Sea Dek, I was hoping the white would match and not be noticeable. No luck, most of the colors are pastels, and the white let me know quickly why Nautique calls it Silver Cloud. Be sure to get some sampels before you buy.