I just took the shrinkwrap off my boat this weekend and rapidly began my custom ballast install. I'm hoping that documenting it here will help others.
Best thing I did was work with Wakemakers.com. Over the winter I spent about $1300.00 and had them ship me every part I would need to complete a three-bag auto fill system. A fourth bag in the bow will be manually fed.
I'll have 400lbs in each side of the engine compartment and approx. 600-650 in the locker. The bow will be filled appropriately to tweak the shape.
Plenty of room to do anything you need to on this boat, a perfect canvas for ballast install. So far I've got about 6 hours in and have drilled the intakes, mounted the ball valves and installed (not wired) the pumps.
I'll keep pics coming as I progress. Hit me up with questions.